--- Doug Henwood <dhenwood at panix.com> wrote:
> The Wright thing may be taking its toll, but they've
> been exchanging
> the lead for a while:
[WS:] Frankly, I do not think that the "Wright thing" has any effect on changing public opinion on Mr. Obama. Those for whom it matters would not vote for Obama (or a Democract for that matter) in the first place, and those who support Obama do not care much what his pastor said.
Opinion polls are self-fulfilling popularity contests - people tend to express their preference for whom they were led to believe are celebrities or popular figures. I am pretty sure that if by some odd coincidence the media started portraying Kucinich as a popular celebrity figure and a winner, you would not need to wait long to see polls showing his lead over Obama or Clinton.
I think that much more in human behavior can be explained by mimicry and following the leader than by rational choice.
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