[lbo-talk] Noticed an oddity

Dwayne Monroe dwayne.monroe at gmail.com
Mon Mar 24 05:37:45 PDT 2008

Shane Mage:

Odd. I and everyone else here welcomed the millions upon millions all over the world who took to the streets to protest Bush's War. And in not a single country were they not "stepping over messes at home" as they did so. And for some odd reason absolutely nobody here lectured them about how for that reason they shouldn't "raise a ruckus about another government's actions."


Know what the difference is Shane?

Washington claimed it was taking action on behalf of the UN: this gave the people of the world a say.

Washington also called upon its allies and client states to provide aid - either financial or logistical or in the form of troops and materiel. That gave people who were opposed to War Plan Iraq in Britain and South Korea and Australia and all the other involved countries (formerly known as the "coalition of the willing"), not only the moral right, but the obligation to demonstrate their displeasure to their respective governments. Why? Because they weren't raising a ruckus about another government's actions, they were directly challenging the actions of their own, which were intimately tied to Washington's destructive designs.

But when any of us - and I'm talking about Americans now - decides to lecture Chinese people about Tibet as some members of the Internet smart set suggest (only, they call it "engaging") we are stepping over our own mess - which we are a long way from cleaning up - to busy ourselves with someone else's.


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