May 26, 2008 British Union Sets Merger With Steelworkers By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
LONDON (AP) — Britain's largest union, Unite, said Sunday it had completed the details of a planned merger with the United Steelworkers in the United States, which would create the first trans-Atlantic labor organization.
Unite represents more than two million workers in the transport, energy and public sectors, among others. United Steelworkers has some 850,000 members in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean.
A Unite spokesman, Andrew Murray, said "the finishing touches" were worked out at a meeting between Unite and Steelworkers representatives last week.
The unions have joined forces because both have been left behind by globalization, Mr. Murray said.
"We're dealing with global companies that can move capital — and employment — around the world, at will in many cases," he said. "While big business is global, and labor is national, we're going to be at a disadvantage."
Mr. Murray said the new international union's structure was still being developed. He said its two component parts would maintain their separate identities, at least at first. He added that the new grouping hoped to enlist other foreign unions.
"There's a number of legal complexities," he said. "This is only very much a first step."
Mr. Murray said an official announcement would be made at the Steelworkers' constitutional convention in Las Vegas, beginning in June.