Michael Pollak wrote:
> I found this enjoyable and fascinating:
> http://www.alternet.org/story/86451/
> It starts out breathlessly politically incorrect -- and then somehow ends
> up as politically correct as you could be: the only solution is to make
> poor countries rich, and realize that all immigration is really about
> culture.
It depends what kind of soution you're looking for. If you want to stop
immigration, of course, the only solution is to make it desirable for
people to stay home. I will attest to the fact that emigration is
horrendous and that I would have much rather stayed in Romania if life
had been half-way possible there. Beautiful country, beautiful language,
and....Home, for me.
But, if you're looking for a solution to maintaining the class system, then you want immigration because it splits the working class. This is something not mentioned in an otherwise amusing and well-written article.