On Oct 2, 2008, at 11:52 AM, shag wrote:
>>> So what are the odds that Sarah Palin will be declared the
>>> "winner" of
>>> tonight's debate? I'm thinking that they're creeping higher...
>> Wait -- I thought the election is over. That's what I keep reading,
>> anyway.
>> Dennis
> I think the bar's been set so low that all she has to do is show up...
Biden's problem is that he is as incompetent a debater as Obama, though in a different way (over the top vs. below the bottom). If he were to be given a heavy dose of tranquilizers and firmly instructed to speak *only* about McBush and not to attack, praise, or condescend to the female pit bull--in fact, to ignore her--he'll do just fine. Me, I'll be watching whatever playoff game is on at the time.
Shane Mage
"Thunderbolt steers all things...it consents and does not consent to be called Zeus."
Herakleitos of Ephesos