[lbo-talk] House rejects bailout

Dmytri Kleiner dk at telekommunisten.net
Tue Oct 7 02:14:28 PDT 2008

On Mon, 06 Oct 2008 12:04:29 -0600, John Thornton <jthorn65 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> You are demonstrating an amazing inability to comprehend what you read.

It must comforting for you to think so, rather than addressing your inability to support your position.

> Assuming you actually read the post that you are ostensibly replying to.
> I wrote that the reasons for the package are well described and readily
> available to anyone who wishes to read them.

Then it should be no problem for you to employ these arguments in your own.

> Once you familiarize yourself with them, rather than lazily asking
> others to summarize them for you, the onus is on you to give a rational
> explanation as to why you believe them false.
> So far you have written nothing but twaddle about nutrition and shelter
> and have disparaged really existing retirement fund accounts.
> I'm beginning to suspect you have no idea what is actually going on in
> the US and are simply parroting lefter-than-thou platitudes.
> Why you are doing this is not known but perhaps Carrol can supply the
> list with a plausible motive?

What crap. Another boatload of juvenile fallacies.

Make an argument, at least address something I've actually said rather than your own idiotic characterizations, or just shut up if you have nothing to say.

-- Dmytri Kleiner editing text files since 1981


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