[lbo-talk] Zizek reference

Michael Pollak mpollak at panix.com
Mon Apr 6 19:11:40 PDT 2009

I'm not much of a Zizek man, but I know many on this list are, and I was wondering if anyone could help a friend of mine, who writes:


I'm in urgent need of a Zizek quote/reference. Somewhere he talks about law or rights or democracy as hypocritical, but the very fact that it claims to be universal (or something) is what it can be called on? So that injustices can be rectified...or something like that? I'm writing an article about the right to health and there are all these constitutions filled with aspirational universalizing rights claims (health for all etc) without any capacity to fulfill these aspirations. However, litigation is brought to do just that. So the system's hypocrisy is called out. Mitigated.

I thought Zizek saying it would be better than me....


Any and all suggestions would be appreciated, and feel free to send them offlist so as not to use up your 3 post quota.

Thanks in advance,


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