[lbo-talk] Michael Scheuer is ultra right wing scum

Bill Bartlett billbartlett at aapt.net.au
Sun Apr 26 19:37:48 PDT 2009

At 11:56 AM -0400 26/4/09, Michael Pollak wrote:

>Just for the record -- some people on the left enjoyed quoting him
>because he was foresquare against the Iraq war, and was the head of
>the CIA's Osama squad under Clinton.
>But that was the only thing he was against. On everything else bad
>he thought the Bushies didn't go far enough. Scheuer personally
>invented the rendition program (during Clinton's 2nd term) to make
>torture possible. And he's not one bit ashamed of it. He's old
>school CIA, and as old school pro-torture as they come:

By "old school CIA" I assume you mean thick as two short planks, couldn't find his arse with both hands? We discovered back in the Vietnam war era that the CIA basically doesn't do intelligence-gathering very well, to put it mildly. It was more in the business of giving the advice that its political masters wanted to hear, even back then.

So you can imagine they are upset about not being allowed to use torture anymore. How else are they going to continue business as usual? Torture is perfect, they can get "intelligence" direct from the horses mouth to substantiate the imagined threats, rather than just "analysis" (fantasy and science fiction.)

I have to laugh when I hear all the conspiracy theories starring the CIA, from people who imagine these sad jokers could pull off complex plots. I doubt most of them probably could organise a fuck in a brothel.

But they sure can spin a yarn, to order.

I loved the fantasy about them interrogating Osama Bin Laden. Trouble is, who is going to deliver him to them? But they don't seem to have worked out that they will have to find him first, too busy sitting around CIA headquarters, masturbating to torture handbooks, while they wait for the new girl who knows how to buy doughnuts to come into the office.

Bill Bartlett Brtacknell Tas

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