> You selectively quoted me. I forwarded the NYT article to show that at least
> one account (actually many more) clearly states, contrary to what Jordan
> seems to be saying, that both a Harvard ID and a driver's license were
> provided.
Ravi, Actually, I just left that last part of the NYT article in as a launching point for mine. I meant to quote that sentence in the NYT article, not to actually quote you. Sorry for the confusion.
> I left the last sentence in (about the cop's version) just to avoid gotcha
> responses, not to suggest that we need see this as anything other than
> standard police abuse of power and the ridiculous nature of interaction that
> is sanctified in these operating procedures. Do I believe it (the "police
> report")? No I don't. Nor do I believe it is in any way stupid to stand up
> to this sort of thing.
> --ravi
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