> it is stupid to refuse to provide ID to an officer
It is not STUPID. It is UNLAWFUL!
Look, this isn't so hard to figure out: Gates was a dick, then he went off the deep end. You don't have to follow him there! People go off the deep end, and they wind up arrested. It's no big deal.
Get over it.
Ravi writes:
> I forwarded the NYT article to show that at least one account
> (actually many more) clearly states, contrary to what Jordan
> seems to be saying, that both a Harvard ID and a driver's
> license were provided.
The word Ravi left out was *eventually* ... did you read the (undisputed) report?
The series of events was:
- The police responded to a legit call about a burglary - They found Gates in the house, and asked for ID - Gates did not comply, and started to make a stink - *Eventually* he complied, at first by saying "You're making a mistake!" and "You don't know who I am!" and offering his Harvard ID ... - Crowley left the house - Gates followed him outside, yelling at Crowley (about his mama, no less) - Crowley warned him a few times that he was risking arrest - Gates continued to yell - Crowley arrested Gates - Gates CONTINUED TO YELL EVEN THEN
WTF: The guy was completely out of control. NO ONE DISPUTES THIS.
Please: there's plenty to be concerned about in the state of abuse of power in this world; why this case? This case, which is such a piece of shit, you might as well be arguing about whether Paris Hilton is abusing her dog. No, I take it back. Her dog is *way* more important than this case.