No, that's not correct logic. The charges were dropped because it turned into a political shit-storm, and the DA decided that it was in the Interest Of Justice that he not spend any more time even *thinking* about this incident. Let that be a lesson to you.
This is *not at all* the same as saying that the arrest was improper.
> Did anyone suggest that the arrest was justified ?
The arresting officer did. And his department affirmed it. And Gates' lawyer, who was clearly in a position to make a stink if he thought it was an improper arrest, uh, didn't. So who does that leave? Well, I guess it leaves LBO-Talkers who haven't read enough about it and who don't know the difference between a proper arrest and an improper one.
Ho, hum.
I've said this before (if you look closely, you might even find it IN THIS MESSAGE), but maybe you missed it: *no one* who is directly involved said this was an improper arrest.
You, JC, are not directly involved. You, JC, are also sadly mistaken.
> Anyway, it is sad to see people apologetic for a category of public
> servants that routinely abuse their powers.
It is sad to see people waste their time trying to make something of this particular case. If you want to Be Concerned About Police Problems, why not look at the Oscar Grant case? These are not the droids you're looking for: move along.