I just hope the workers who now are said to own GM and Chrysler apparently will produce cars that workers can afford and are environmentally friendly! I see this guy supports seems to agree with many leftists re Iran.
Obama's foreign policy favors dictators August 10, 8:40 AMDes Moines Republican ExaminerCory CramerPrevious Next Comment Print
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Six months into his presidency, Obama has made two important foreign policy decisions. They both have been in support of dictators (or dictators-to-be). In Iran, Obama willingly allowed democratic protestors who live in one of the most repressive regimes on the planet to be beaten into submission by the very terrorists who want to destroy America. Even with American forces surrounding the country, Obama failed to even say a harsh word about the Iranian dictators while they slaughtered protestors begging for democracy. What is worse, is that Obama is still trying to engage the Iranians in ‘talks’, and considers them the legitimate rulers of Iran.
This hands off policy from Obama may have been forgivable if it had been consistent. I can respect a ‘hands off’, mind-our-own-business foreign policy. Unfortunately, issues in Honduras have been handled quite differently than those in Iran. Recently four foreign visas were canceled for officials from Honduras because Obama is refusing to recognize the new Honduran government, and is instead actively trying to force Hondurans to allow Zelaya, the dictator-to-be they exiled from their country to come back!
Even if one were to give the President his best case, which would be that Honduras’s dictator-to-be was democratically elected, and that is why the US is taking an active role in reinstating him, why not apply that same standard to Iran? The inconsistency is clear, and very troubling. It seems that the only consistent foreign policy the Obama Administration has is to support dictators. Because if it was democracy they supported they would have been outspoken about Iran. This exposes the fraud of the notion that Obama now supports Honduras’s dictator-to-be because of democracy.
It has become very clear that Obama’s support of Honduras’s dictator-to-be is rooted in their common Marxist belief system. Currently, Latin America is going through a socialist political cycle, one led by the likes of Hugo Chavez. This cycle has happened many times before in Latin America. Usually it amounts to a gradual formation of socialist dictatorships (as we see most clearly in Venezuela), and then, when democracy has been properly corrupted and the people realize they are no better off living under socialism, a violent revolution (sometimes sponsored by the US).
Honduras, knowing this pattern has repeated itself for hundreds of years, wisely adopted a policy, written in their Constitution, that their President could only serve a single term in office—even if the people wanted a longer term. That is important. You see, it’s easy—as President Obama knows—to keep 51% of your population happy while you line their pockets with other people’s money. During this period, when the government is handing out ‘free’ gifts (Obamacare anyone?) to the masses, they are usually popular enough to get re-elected as time or two.
The problem arises when the money runs out. When there are no more companies to nationalize and no more ‘rich’ from which to steal. These socialist governments (and in Latin America they proudly announce their socialism, unlike Obama) must face the reality that money and resources don’t just appear out of thin air; that rich people and corporations exist because they are providing something people want.
Usually, it is when the money runs out that the true dictatorial tendencies creep-in. Then, all of the sudden, elections start looking like the ones in Iran. In short, by then, it’s too late. That is why the Hondurans kicked Manuel Zelaya, their dictator-to-be, out of office, and replaced him with the leader of his own party. The equivalent of Obama being replaced with Biden (not exactly a coup in my mind).
Unlike many conservatives, I gave President Obama a chance. I refused to jump to conclusions about him because it’s difficult to know someone’s true intentions until they are actually in office making real decisions (G.W. Bush taught me that). But here is what I have seen from Obama so far:
1) He nationalized two auto companies, and used the power of the Presidency to threaten bond holders into giving their share of the companies over to the United Auto Workers Union. The government-run portion of this is clearly fascist (the very definition of fascism actually). The unions being ‘awarded’ control of the company is Marxist (the very definition of Marxism actually—workers ‘controlling the means of production’ instead of capitalists).
2) He is using congress and the Federal Reserve to control/own banks. Again, almost a perfect definition of fascism = when government controls business instead of the free market.
3) He wants to socialize our entire medical system. Including banning new private insurance policies after year 2013.
4) He speaks out against a cop who was just trying to his job. Again, letting us know his is willing to target individual Americans for attacks from the White House. Obama: Cops are stupid. Iranian dictators are…well…in charge, and that is all that matters.
5) He encourages people to turn in anyone who speaks out about his healthcare plan, and sets up an email account where his supporters can turn people in, effectively compiling a list of the opposition.
6) He actively sides with Hugo Chavez and tries to reinstate Zelaya, a radical socialist dictator-to-be in Honduras.
7) When people speak out against his healthcare plan in town halls, he accuses them of being part of a right wing conspiracy, and approves of sending union thugs in to intimidate people into silently sitting and being brainwashed without questioning their representatives in congress, or calling them out when they lie about Obama’s healthcare plan.
It is for these reasons I know Obama is a Marxist. I will not wait until our country is destroyed to speak out. I will not be silenced by this evil man or his brainwashed minions. And neither should you. Take a good look at your children. If we don’t speak out now, if our voices aren’t heard loud and clear, your kids will have a bloody battle on their hands if they ever wish to be free from the bonds of socialism. History has taught us that much.
I know it may feel like sometimes you are alone, but remember that you are not. Millions of people are now seeing Obama for what he is. It just takes one person to stand up and say “NO! We will not allow a socialist dictatorship in our country!” Others will stand with you. They are scared, perhaps legitimately so, but once the ice is broken they will stand up too, they will get your back when Obama’s red-hat, union thugs try to intimidate you.
There are a lot of us. It’s time to let our voices be heard.
Blog: http://kenthink7.blogspot.com/index.html Blog: http://kencan7.blogspot.com/index.html