> 1) He nationalized two auto companies, and used the power of the
> Presidency to threaten bond holders into giving their share of the companies
> over to the United Auto Workers Union. The government-run portion of this is
> clearly fascist (the very definition of fascism actually). The unions being
> ‘awarded’ control of the company is Marxist (the very definition of Marxism
> actually—workers ‘controlling the means of production’ instead of
> capitalists).
> 2) He is using congress and the Federal Reserve to control/own banks.
> Again, almost a perfect definition of fascism = when government controls
> business instead of the free market.
Where and how did this fascism meme - taking an incidental feature of fascist regimes that fascists didn't consider important and that exists in most industrial countries - arise on the right? I get that everyone likes to throw the word "fascism" around like pinata candy, but why this particular, weird, and consistent one? Some misinterpreted Mussolini line about corporatism?