--- On Wed, 8/12/09, Dennis Perrin <dperrin at comcast.net> wrote:
> From: Dennis Perrin <dperrin at comcast.net>
> Subject: [lbo-talk] Our Informed Citizenry
> To: lbo-talk at lbo-talk.org
> Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 11:02 AM
> God bless us all.
> <http://dennisperrin.blogspot.com/2009/08/dont-tread-on-moi.html>
> Dr. Dennis
[WS:] Yup. It is interesting, from a sociological point of view at least, why these folks act as they do - and I can think of several different reasons or explanations. However, the most interesting aspect of it is that nobody coerces them to go and speak out their minds. They actually believe what they are saying and they support the status quo. Call it false consciousness, ignorance or whatever - but the fact remains the the US status quo is here by consensus of which these folks are a part rather than by coercion and suppression of dissent by the ruling class. The point that I was trying to make re. Ehrenreich's piece on criminalization of poverty.