There I am with you bro. The lib dem types have their Dkos etc. What do we have? Who are we? ;-) Our leaders like Doug are failing us! Kidding aside I do carry on here about making our views more visible on the net. It might not be revolutionary but I think it would be a good thing. There is a lot of good writing buried in the list archives, and outside the list how much visibility does a programme like BTN get?
> As for Wave, etc., disagreement exists as to what the real time web
> means, if anything, as several have said here.
My problem with terms like "real time web" is that they are marketing jargon or denote opinion trends and don't really demarcate anything other than some vague point in time -- like Web 2.0. Something like pubsubhubbub is indeed interesting but IMHO should be evaluated on it's individual merit. I humbly suggest you not assign too much weight to Scoble et al -- they are not tech leaders... Maybe opinion leaders. My suggestion is to use them to learn about new technologies and products, but your evaluation is likely to be more realistic than theirs.
-- ravi