> Interesting how they are always trying to play this dog-whistle-blue
> vs red state so-called culture war framing against people on the coast
> (LA and New York) versus "us" red blooded, hard working traditional
> values Americans in the fly over states. Its just total bullshit!
> Single-payer would work for a New Yorker and it would work for a
> Nebraskan. Even the latter would likely have more to gain with single
> payer.
The protesters that I've seen are either recipients of single payer in the form of Medicare, or desperately in need of it because they're uninsured! A million a day can buy a lot of effective propaganda, it would seem.
> Speaking of which, has anybody seen stats on how those lacking health
> insurance breaks down geographically, rural versus urban, red state
> vs. blue state, heartland Budweisers swiller vs coastal chardonnay
> swiller? I would place my bets that rural, and small town areas have
> the greater concentration of uninsured.
Uninsured by state: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/indepth_coverage/health/uninsured/map_flash.html
-- In Solidarity, Billy O'Connor