> How do we use it to further leftie causes?
> There I am with you bro. The lib dem types have their Dkos etc. What do we
> have? Who are we? ;-) Our leaders like Doug are failing us! Kidding aside I
> do carry on here about making our views more visible on the net. It might
> not be revolutionary but I think it would be a good thing. There is a lot of
> good writing buried in the list archives, and outside the list how much
> visibility does a programme like BTN get?
Then somehow the good stuff in the archives needs to get pumped out to blogs, then Twitter and Facebook to get wider circulation. Twitterfeed could help here.
Sir, Comrade Doug is a geek leader extraordinaire here, as he facebooks, blogs, and podcasts in an exemplary manner. I suggest you reconsider your hasty words! :) (Do I see people cringing at facebook being used as a verb?)
> Scoble et al -- they are not tech leaders... Maybe opinion leaders. My
> suggestion is to use them to learn about new technologies and products, but
> your evaluation is likely to be more realistic than theirs.
True enough. But without getting too geeky, I mentioned Dave Winer too. He pioneered blogging, rss, and podcasting. He's doing rsscloud.org now and is adamant about not having our data in private silos where you can't get it out easily, if at all. So, we shall see what happens.