You beat me to it ;-). This issue returned in a minor skirmish on the net a couple of weeks ago in an argument between Dan Jalkut / John Gruber and Matt Mullenweg (original author of WordPress) on the GPL (yours truly taking the GPL side of course -- ping me if you want the link to my post, though there is nothing original in it).
> As a result, Stallman bristles at the lumping together of free and
> open-source software in terms like "FOSS" -- and rightly so, I think,
> in part because of the difference in their relative resistance to
> being folded into campaigns such as DRM. He has said quite explicitly
> that any supposed technical advantages that Free Software has as Open
> Source Software are in principle secondary: that freedom is what's
> most important. I think he has a compelling argument, even if his
> principles are sometimes difficult to adhere to.
Agreed on all counts. Good thing you beat me to it, for I wouldn't have produced the relevant quotes and summarised it as well.
To state what is perhaps obvious: I don't think either of us disagreeing with Dwayne's larger point.