Best, Joel
On Aug 19, 2009 12:53 PM, <dredmond at> wrote:
On Wed, August 19, 2009 10:35 am, Doug Henwood forwarded:
> [via Lou Proyect] > > Frankfurt on the Hudson > How the fathers of
Critical Theory found their wa...
> Reading Adorno on modern music, or Benjamin on literature, it is >
momentarily possible to believe...
[Extended cackle of post-Imperial glee]. Ah, Adorno is truly the ghost in
the neoliberal machine, isn't he? No bubble-speculation is safe from the
rapier of negative dialectics...
To paraphrase Adorno slightly, true criticism has been and will always be nothing other than the thought-form of emancipation. And hermeticism is functional in our ever more totalized, Googled and Terror-War-warped system: it is the principled rejection of what is, in the name of what could be.
-- DRR