At 8:45 AM -0500 23/8/09, Jeffrey Fisher wrote:
> > At 1:50 AM -0500 23/8/09, Jeffrey Fisher wrote:
>> Sticking
>>> with SF, you might try Samuel Delany, if you've not read him (especially
>>> *Stars
>>> in my Pocket like Grains of Sand
>> No. don't. Tedious, tendentious, book. Reading it is like trying to swim in
>> quicksand. I imagine it being used as part of the interrogation process at
>> Guantonamo Bay. If you were sentenced to 10 years jail in maximum security,
>> with nothing to read but that book or the health warnings on a cigarette
>> pack, choose the cigarette pack.
>I gather Bill feels strongly on this point.
I've always been a sucker for a damsel in distress.
For goodness sake, its the girl's first paid holiday, she's looking for a relaxing, interesting, restful time. She wants to lie on a banana lounge in her bikini, out on her balcony overlooking the deserted beach with a nice book. Listen to the seagulls and the sound of waves on the shore. A glass or two of something with ice and an umbrella in it. Perhaps some pastries or cucumber sandwiches? And float off into another world.
I can't just stand by while she gets stuck with that inhuman book.
Sure, it would make the holiday seem to last longer. A lot longer. But that isn't the answer to the problem of inadequate annual leave in the USA.
So of course I had to ride to the rescue, foil your dastardly scheme. ;-)
Bill Bartlett Bracknell Tas