I am sorry to disagree. The They, certainly do understand this down to the infinitesimal monad. The corporate + right think tank industrial complex know exactly how to word these polls to get the result they want. That's what the battle field is all about.
Create conflicting polls, fog the rhetoric, mobilize the reactionary sentiments of the resentful, and destroy any light of day against the darkling glass of the imperium.
Over and over and over and over and over and over....we have watched this show ad absurdum.
So, then the conclusion is no one understands any of this...? Kiss my ass.
All I hope is that nothing gets done, that the whole freak show dies in meaningless war of splineless democrats v. rightwing fanatics in a slurry of diseased word diarrhea. Obama moves on to justify the unjustifiable Afghanistan, Bernanke hands another XXX billion more to AIG, filthy Phil skates, Holder meanders off into labyrinth of low level CIA indictments... and 2010 rolls in with a dead fish tide of nada e pues nada.
Meanwhile Israel kills another few thousand Palestinian fish in a barrel and the Noble Peace Prize in City Planning goes to Netanyhu, while the Russians and Iranians square a deal on gas centrifuge technology.