Trust me, I am well aware of that, which is exactly why it pisses me off that somehow, nobody understands... of course we do.
I was in a townhall via conference phone with Barbara Lee (House, D) and a few hundred local constiuents last month in the healthcare reform debate. Lee, Kucinich, Coyners, et al had a bill out of committee for a government plan...lost in the mire.
Nobody was under any illusions. The people who got to ask questions ask all the right stuff, were totally informed and knew exactly what was at stake and who was running the whole thing into the mire.
Doesn't matter. Somehow fanatics in Alabama with the Christian cross up their ass, money coming out their mouths, and golf junkets to Bemini count in this totally fucked country and we do not...
Nobody I know is fooled out here, so it is just garbage that somehow we are all dazed and confused by the polls.
My rage is great, but it is not unique. We are fast becoming Florentines of the Cinquecento. We dream when crowds disemboweled bankers, cut their belts and tossed them off the balcony of the Uffizi to hang for the jeering crowds before redemption at vespers.
Deus, in adiutorium meum intende. Domine, ad adiuvandum me festina. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto.
And then there is the opera version. Imagine it is not Tosca who Caravadosi believes has gone, it is his entire world that has died under the cruelty of Spoletta