Boycott Scotland and the United Kingdom Abdel Baset al-Megrahi has been set free by Scotland But we will not allow Gaddafi to win. Boycott Libya
''It is very hard to get at the truth, and yet [leading Labour Party peer] Lord Mandelson is seen with the Libyan President's son. It is very clear that the British Government are in this up to their neck. I view all this noise as party politics in a rather crude way."— Lord Owen, Former British Foreign Secretary
The government of Scotland has decided to release convicted Lockerbie terrorist bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi on "compassionate grounds."
The government of the United Kingdom has washed its hands of the entire affair, allowing the Scottish government total freedom in taking this perfidious action against the families of the victims of Pan Am Flight 103.
The actions of the Scottish government are inexcusable. A man who is responsible for the mass murder of 270 innocent civilians must be held accountable for such a cold blooded and ruthless act. Freeing a terrorist in order to further ties with the tyrannical Libyan regime of Muammar al-Gaddafi and to further the commercial interests of British Petroleum in that region is repulsive and sickening.
Unless the Scottish government rescinds this decision to release al-Megrahi, and if the British Parliament continues to avoid intervening in the matter, we urge all Americans to protest this action by boycotting the United Kingdom and Scotland in full. Don't travel to Scotland or do business there (or in the United Kingdom in general) and don't buy any British or Scottish products.
Most especially after the horrific events of 9/11, the world needs to be reminded that terrorism must be punished and never rewarded. Terrorists must never be shown compassion or mercy, for these people have no respect for human life. The British, who ironically have themselves been victim to numerous acts of terrorism on their own soil, seem to have forgotten. They need a reminder, and protesting by boycotting travel and business with Scotland and the United Kingdom is the best way of doing so.