To say it differently, the change of living condition is the key to political attitudes of society (the being determines consciousness thing.) A decline in the living conditions tends to produce conservatiev attitudes, which in turn bribngs conservative parties to power. A rise of living conditions tend to produce more liberal attitudes, which in turn brings liberal or left wing parties to power. Of course, there are always exceptions, but these are general trends in most modern societies.
^^^^ CB: OK, but I guess I'd have to say that's a bit vulgarly materialist with no offense intended. I don't quite think objective conditions are so predominant, nor that progress only occurs with "rising expectations" unmet ( somebody recently said that's de Toqueville's theory). The 1950's were the Golden Age in the US but liberals didn't come to power. The 1930's had falling living standards, but it brought the New Deal. We just entered a recession , yet the American population went more liberal in this election than the last, started to end Reaganism.The exceptions to your rule are as "big" as your rule, no ?