B. wrote:
<CLIP> The 1970s are, from what I can tell, when the US Libertarian party definitely wrested and "won" the term from the anti-authoritarian left. <CLIP>
J. writes:
Hey B., thanks for the prolix and interesting reply. In retrospect I dashed off my post too quickly... I mistakenly thought you were suggesting that the term still had a left anarchist tint to it as late as the 1990's. But now that I've digested your lengthier case it seems plausible to me. A couple of issues though: 1) In the 1970's Bookchin may have felt like Libertarians were fellow travelers, but did they feel the same way about him? I doubt it! 2) In the 1960's did not the John Birchers and Posse Comitatus (and JN and PC symps) think of themselves as "libertarians"? Perhaps they just thought of themselves as "true Americans"?
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