On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Bhaskar Sunkara <bhaskar.sunkara at gmail.com>wrote:
> http://theactivist.org/blog/a-call-for-submissions-michael-harrington-symposium
> This July marks the 20th death anniversary of American democratic
> socialist Michael
> Harrington<
> http://theactivist.org/blog/archives/michael-harrington-marxism-and-democracy
> >.
> Harrington was a best-selling author, a principled political activist and
> the standard-bearer for American democratic socialism throughout his
> lifetime. Harrington was also the catalyst behind the formation of the
> Democratic
> Socialists of America <http://dsausa.org/>, the parent organization of
> the Young
> Democratic Socialists <http://ydsusa.org/>. *The Activist* invites
> members
> of the progressive community to contribute 500 to 1000-word essays
> reflecting on Harrington’s life and legacy or more generally on the future
> of the American socialist movement that he committed himself to.
> Please send all submissions to bhaskar.sunkara[at]gmail.com
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