On Jul 25, 2009, at 8:02 PM, Joseph Catron wrote:
> This is the second time within a week I've seen an LBO-Talker make
> this
> claim, here or elsewhere, and I'd be very interested in hearing
> either of
> you, or anyone else, expand on it. Between McCollum vs. Board of
> Education,
> Brown vs. Board of Education, Gideon vs. Wainwright, Miranda vs.
> Arizon, Roe
> vs. Wade, and others that have inevitably slipped my mind, hasn't the
> American judiciary often stood at the forefront of social progress?
> (I mean
> way the hell in front of society as a whole, to an extent that's been
> problematic at times.) Or have I missed something obvious?
Those are exceptions. The judiciary has historically been a conservative force.
Have you read The Federalist Papers?