> You very much may have something there. Because demonstrations are being
> stopped, there is a lot of talk of switching tactics to strikes. And if the
> transportation workers strike, then most other people will be forced not to
> go to work. So the fact that the bus union workers are so radical may play
> a key role indeed.
I actually didn't write that part you quoted. Al Giordano--who's been getting some good info out <http://narcosphere.narconews.com/thefield>--did. But I agree with him and with you. Here <http://www.unionbook.org/pg/blog/macurata/read/15679/iran-when-you-raise-your-fist-you-are-not-alone> another really interesting article about how the bus workers' struggles have been going on for awhile and how they are connecting with the protests.
By the way, when I originally sent the post, I appended the wrong article. It was supposed to be this one <http://narcosphere.narconews.com/thefield/iran-khodro-auto-workers-begin-work-slowdown-protest-regime> about the workers at the biggest auto plant in Iran.