> I don't know that I'd dismiss HE as a mere butterfly. It's a nutty
> publication, but it's been around for over sixty years, and it has had it's
> share of influence during that time. It was Reagan's favorite paper, and
> it
> really captures the feelings of many more working-class right-wing fanatics
> that I know and have known. And it's top ten lists can be riotous:
> http://www.humanevents.com/lists-archive.php
I find them sort of scary and funny at the same time - a bit like Hitler. Anytime I stumble on these... erm... publications around the web Adorno's essay on Martin Luther Thomas quickly comes to mind. And although, in part thanks to the anti-globalisation movement, the term can now be legitimately used to designate anyone wearing a tie, I can't help but utter it in this context, with the qualification that its not part of my everyday vocabulary - fascists.