Excuse me for a moment while I vomit. Okay, I'm back. I'd be greatly interested in hearing how you can go about separating race and class and gender in a way that's not just theoretical (in the bad sense). Sure, you can say that race and class and gender are separate, but I could also say that if Paul Pierce wasn't 6'6", didn't have one of the great all-time first steps to the basket, and didn't have a killer midrange and long-range game, I could easily take him in a game of one on one. But that's only an intellectual exercise and has nothing to do with the real world, where race and gender and class are tied up in complex and irreducible ways the same way Pierce's game is all a part of who he is. Is it just an accident that blacks make 65% as much as whites, or that women make 85% of what men make?