> <http://www.theawl.com/2009/05/possible-supreme-court-hispanic-lady-mouthy-dumb
> >
> "...Barack Obama has a secret edict to never give another white man a
> job again unless he works in the financial sector, in which case hes
> welcome to all the money he can grab...." [Alex Balk]
this last bit was even better. Writing about the author of the TNR piece:
"So he hasnt read the opinions, and he hasnt talked to enough people to get a complete picture. Never has the phrase good enough for blogging been more apt."
Also, cruising the page, there was a link to "Dong Architecture Theory"
Secrets of the Phallus: Why Is the Penis Shaped Like That? Evolutionary psychologists decipher the "Rosetta stone" of human sexuality By Jesse Bering
If youve ever had a good, long look at the human phallus, whether yours or someone elses, youve probably scratched your head over such a peculiarly shaped device. Lets face itits not the most intuitively shaped appendage in all of evolution. But according to evolutionary psychologist Gordon Gallup of the State University of New York at Albany, the human penis is actually an impressive tool in the truest sense of the word, one manufactured by nature over hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution. You may be surprised to discover just how highly specialized a tool it is. Furthermore, youd be amazed at what its appearance can tell us about the nature of our sexuality.
The curious thing about the evolution of the human penis is that, for something that differs so obviously in shape and size from that of our closest living relatives, only in the past few years have researchers begun to study it in any detail. The reason for this neglect isnt clear, though the most probable reason is because of its intrinsic snicker factor or, related to this, the likelihood of its stirring up uncomfortable puritanical sentiments. It takes a special type of psychological scientist to tell the little old lady sitting next to him on a flight to Denver that he studies how people use their penises when she asks what he does for a living. But I think labeling it as a crude or disgusting area of study reveals more about the critic than it does the researcher. And if you think theres only one way to use your penis, that its merely an instrument of internal fertilization that doesnt require further thought, or that size doesnt matter, well, that just goes to show how much you can learn from Gallups research findings.
shag -- http://cleandraws.com Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)