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Sheldon humanist.observer at gmail.com
Mon May 11 19:47:49 PDT 2009

On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 1:21 PM, Dennis Perrin <dperrin at comcast.net> wrote:
> <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dennis-perrin/the-bill-ayers-distractio_b_133591.html>
> <http://redstateson.blogspot.com/2007/04/weather-vain.html>
> Dennis

Dennis in the second essay says:

"Lots of libs and lefties like to Weather bash, which is fine, as those who engaged in domestic bombing campaigns did more than damage property -- they helped to kill what remained of the anti-Vietnam war movement. Former Weather member Mark Rudd said that the group essentially did the FBI's job for them, and he's right. Blowing up buildings in a largely apolitical country with no mass support among the populace was politically narcissistic and strategically dumb."

I have to ask, is it really true that Weather bombings actually helped finish off the anti-War movement?

Although I agree with Dennis' last sentence, I am not so convinced that the WU did the damage he and others claim it did. As I recall, WU bombing mostly occurred between 1969-1973. Did not the anti-Vietnam war movement continue throughout this period?

Elswhere, not quoted above, either Dennis or somebody else I think suggests that the WU helped provoke repression against the Panthers. I hardly see how this could be the case given that the Panthers were at the receiving end of severe repression prior to, during and after WU actions. Correct me if I am mis-interpreting somebody here.


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