[lbo-talk] Irish priests beat, raped children

Michael McIntyre morbidsymptoms at gmail.com
Sun May 24 17:10:12 PDT 2009

OK, hysteria - not the right word. But it's entered the realm of "common sense". You can write it into the plot of a TV show and everyone "gets it". Each year, several students in my program want to right papers on it. I assigned Laura Agustin's book last year to try to help stem the tide. The point is that without some kind of resonance in the population at large, NGOs with their panties in a bunch wouldn't get far. Otherwise all we'd have to do is create a bunch of 501(c)3's with a "close the prisons" slogan and we'd have the baby-rapers back on the streets in no time! MM

On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 10:56 AM, Wendy Lyon <wendy.lyon at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 23/05/2009, Michael McIntyre <morbidsymptoms at gmail.com> wrote:
> > NGO workers would get nowhere with this campaign unless they were able to
> build it into some kind of mass hysteria. Hell, even The Wire, a show with
> some following on this list (me included), built a whole season around this
> theme. The NGO workers can't make this machine run if it has no resonance.
> Yeah, but how mass really is the hysteria? Here it's a huge issue
> among women's NGOs, and to a lesser extent the religious and
> immigration sectors, but in terms of how concerned John Q. Public is
> about it, I don't think it's even really on the radar.
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