[lbo-talk] CPUSA on drugs, attacks Liza Featherstone as right-wing

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Tue May 26 14:05:00 PDT 2009

[This is just round the bend delusional. These guys are so in the tank for the Dems, who probably wouldn't mind seeing them in jail, if they even thought about the CPUSA.]


Rumors of “death of card check” are greatly exaggerated

Author: John Wojcik People's Weekly World Newspaper, 05/26/09 16:44

Many senators and congresspersons returning home for the Memorial Day weekend and the week that followed found themselves face to face in their home districts with union members determined to win passage of the Employee Free Choice Act.

Thousands have been mobilizing during the past few days at more than 200 events in key states like Alaska, Louisiana, Indiana, Maine, Arkansas and Louisiana. The states are “key” because they are represented either by Democratic senators who have been sitting on the fence or by Republicans who are considered likely to be influenced by pressure from workers.

The actions, including everything from 24 hour candlelight vigils and town hall meetings to letter writing and phone banking campaigns, came as the right wing media and blogosphere continued to churn out articles claiming that “card check” is “dead.”

Typical of these reports is one by Liza Featherstone May 24 in “The Big Money.” The article claims that President Obama himself has pronounced “card check” dead and that the Employee Free Choice Act didn’t have the votes to pass but that a “compromise” could work. By compromise, the article says, the president meant a version of the bill without card check, the provision obliging employers to recognize unions after a majority of workers have signed cards.

Featherstone claims, “On the same day, Sen. Arlen Specter, a key swing vote, said that he, too, would support a ‘compromise’ on EFCA: card- check-free, of course.”

President Obama never said anything about “card check” being dead. He merely indicated that work is being done on developing a compromise. The same is true of Sen. Specter.

Featherstone never bothered to interview Sen. Tom Harkin, the Democratic Party leader who has been working day in and day out to develop a “compromise” that keeps the bill fundamentally in tact.

One such compromise that has been considered keeps majority sign-up but allows workers to check a box on the card that indicates they would prefer an election. Another such compromise, one that some of the wavering senators have indicated they could support, also keeps majority sign-up but has workers filling their cards out at home and mailing them into the National labor Relations Board. In any case, nowhere in the Featherstone article does it mention that “card check” is already in place. There are a large number of unions that have been recognized by companies when a majority have signed pledge cards and this has been going on since passage of the National Labor relations Act during the Great Depression. It is only with the much more recent passage of Taft-Hartley that companies have been allowed the option of calling for an election after they receive the cards. The elections, of course, take too long, allow the bosses to hire union-busting lawyers, fire union supporters, spy on workers and, of do whatever else it takes to keep the union out.

Workers at low wage firms like Wal-Mart, CVS, Walgreen’s and Starbucks are up against companies who factor anti-union campaigns into their operating expenses. The type of business they operate runs according to plan as long as there is a good supply of low-paid, short term labor. This is so important to their profits that they are willing to spend heavily to keep unions out. The Featherstone article also quotes a “pro-labor” Columbia University economist who says that the real problem with labor law is not how it allows unions to be formed but how it makes strikes so difficult for workers to carry out. This and the entire Featherstone article, sidesteps the fact that one of the worst parts of current labor law is that it allows companies to stall in bargaining even when workers choose to unionize. This problem would be solved by the EFCA, with a 120 day limit imposed before federal arbitrators would step in.

Featherstone was not content to leave things there. She then went on to lament the supposed lack of militancy in the labor movement. She quotes Leo Gerard, president of the Steelworkers, out of context, as saying demonstrations are less needed in the United States than in Europe “because often all that is needed is some expert lobbying in Washington to line up the support of a half-dozen senators.” She goes on to say that this approach as plainly failed with the Employee Free Choice Act. One wonders whether Featherstone is living in the same country as the rest of us. The labor movement, for the last three or more years has marched, picketed, sat-in, demonstrated, petitioned and engaged in major strikes from one end of the country to the other. It mobilized for the elections on all levels, re-shaped the face of Capitol Hill, changed the Congress, changed the Senate and was critical in the election of perhaps the most pro-labor administration in U.S. history. Because of this militancy we are on the verge of seeing serious, major labor law reform in this country.

jwojcik @pww.org

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