[lbo-talk] more noxious crap

SA s11131978 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 3 12:30:54 PDT 2009

Michael Pollak wrote:

> The better known is in the speech to the Congress of the International in
> 1872 in Amsterdam:
> *** We do not deny that there exist countries like America, England,
> and, if I knew your institutions better, I would add Holland, where
> the workers may be able to attain their ends by peaceful means. If
> that is true we must also recognize that inmost of the countries of
> the Continent force must be the lever to which it will be necessary to
> resort for a time in order to attain the dominion of labour. ***

This quote is what I was referring to here, but I couldn't remember where it was from: http://mailman.lbo-talk.org/pipermail/lbo-talk/Week-of-Mon-20090928/013527.html .

It's been argued that Marx said that to propitiate his audience, because this view predominated in the Dutch section and splits over this question were causing tension in the International. But since he apparently repeated the sentiment in a private letter, that explanation seems insufficient.

I wonder how the Leninists respond to these quotes?


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