andie nachgeborenen wrote:
> Anything new here? Isn't this the Black Nationalism - Marxism debate (shouting match) we wasted so much time on the 60s and 70s, Harold Cruse, the Nation of Islam, etc. vs. Marxists who, tripping over themselves to acknowledge the importance of racial oppression, basically treated it as either a distraction from the class struggle or secondary to the oppression of workers, so something we didn't really get around to till After The Revolution?
This is not a very clear paraGRAPH, BUT IF i UNDERSTAND IT, YOU DON'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT THE '60S OR THE '70S. I don't see how, for example, you could fit Amiri Baraka or Angela Davis into the picture you present. Nor how you could explain why Baraka spent so much time and energy attacking black nationalism, or why several Panters in Southern California were murdered by black nationalists. Or why Fred Hampton spen the last weeks of his life going from black high school to black high school explaining to the students why the Weatherman faction was fucked up.
The '60s were a very confused period, but they need to be sorted out carefully, because the unintended way in which various 'sects' and tendencies ended up making a rather coherent movement as a whole needs to be studied by those who no longer accept the idea of a Left held together by one hegemonic Party.