""The entire U.S. school system, from pre-K up, is structured from the very start to enable the rich to outcompete the poor," writes Michaels, "which is to say, the race is fixed. And the kinds of solutions that might actually make a difference -- financing every school district equally, abolishing private schools, making high quality child care available to every family -- are treated as if they were positively un-American."
So, a guy who doesn't like neo-liberalism is an ardent defender of... Liberalism. Ain't he special. does he really think that high quality child care for everyone is going to fix the problem of inequality? That schools will level the playing field, thereby creating equal opportunity and that this is an advance over neo-liberalism?
Is the guy a freaking intellectual lightweight or what?
He's running around attacking neo-liberalism. What amounts to about the only policy suggestion in this freakin book turns out to be ... oh! we need equality of opportunity! that'll fix EVERYTHING little buddy! hell, we might get off this island after all!
i'm glad to hear that doug, Adolph, and Walter are on the same page there. I'm going to pitch in right now and help you guys bring equal funding to schools. Oh. Goodie! I can't wait to watch that big meeeenie capitalist system melt right before my eyes under the onslaught of all those chillens bolstered by the capitalist-zapping experience of having decent affordable daycare! Wheeeeeeeeeeee!
Aren't Liberals sooooooooo much better than the neo-Liberals? What Pwogwess!