> I dread that, but given the stupidity of the electoral system in general
> and
> the US elections in particular, President Palin in 2012 starts looking
> more
> and more real.
Palin or some other right-wing Republican is Obama's best hope. I doubt her
base represents more than a third of the electorate, and Obama is more
likely to be seen as the lesser evil by most so-called independent voters
outside the south.
On the other hand, if the Republicans don't nominate someone like Palin or Huckabee, they'll have trouble mobilizing their conservative base in the same way disappointment with Obama may not bring out the liberal shock troops of the Democratic party - at least, not nearly to the same extent as last election.
The growing disenchantment within the base of each party with their more "moderate" wings reflects a deepening social polarization.