>I still don't know what unions you're referring to which currently
>"exclude blacks".
I said I'm not talking about currently.
>How long do you intend visiting the sins of their
>forebears on contemporary trade unions? What has this to do with the
>present discussion?
It has to do with why unions are so weak in the U.S. today. Talking about sins of forebears is a way of minimizing the weight that history bears on the present.
>They'd become important issues in and between these organizations if
>they became as important and as divisive as for yourself and some
>others on the list
They might become important issues if they were discussed rather than dismissed.
>So what kind of politics are you left with if class, identity, and
>>history aren't considered as that important?
>Good politics, I hope.
I hope so too. But what do you mean by good politics?