[lbo-talk] how do you arrange your library? (was: do people still read post-structuralism?)

shag carpet bomb shag at cleandraws.com
Sat Oct 31 19:59:14 PDT 2009

At 10:26 PM 10/31/2009, Andy wrote:
>On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 6:39 AM, shag carpet bomb <shag at cleandraws.com> wrote:
> > taking a cue from Chuck, let's have a special lbo-meme: how do you arrange
> > your books?
>Cookbooks and domestic books together, foreign language and other
>language geekery together, work-relevant books at work, a box of
>metalworking and machining books squirreled away in a box for when I
>can actually use them, and everything else wherever.
>After a decade of averaging a move a year, I've managed to get pretty
>ruthless about not admitting onto my shelves non-reference books that
>I can get from a reasonable interlibrary loan system. Of course, as
>I'm sure you all will sympathize, a mess of somewhat esoteric
>interests still leaves me with <measure measure measure> 28 shelf-feet
>of books (at home).

fuck. me. dead.

it never occurred to me to freakin' measure. all you guys are measurin' dayum what is up with that! now, I'm going to have to go measure the freakin' linear shelf footage. I now feel as if something's missing in my life. Like, if I just new how many feet my books took up, I'd be complete. heh.

also, Andy, I have to know. have you mastered the fine art of stealing milk crates for your books? :) because that's what I have done over the years to accommodate moving. I now have about 20 milk crates, less two wooden ones I finally decided had given up the ghost since I've had them since 1981, when they served as bookshelves in my bedroom at home.

i should hook you up with R, mr metal working, machinist tool guy, lathe man, welder, iron worker. When he's in the garage, I often see sparks flashing and shit. I told Dwayne once that I figured he was a like some kind of mad scientist with wild hair all over the place, constantly concocting some contraption. Just today, pawing through some boxes from the move, I discover a case -- a case! -- of super whammydine gloves used in the military for special repairs to ships that involve chemicals and biologically unsafe contaminants. he got them for me, he says, so I can refinish furniture.

Need some whammydine gloves? Honest? We could unload a bunch of these. They are so freakin sturdy, I don't think I could find enough furniture to strip before I'd burn through one pair of gloves.

i will share my book categorizing which must, so far, be the most involved system -- besides Carrol's. I had a soc professor once who did that. I aspired to that level of organizational ability. Past tense: aspired.



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