>On his response to *Bill. One kind of person I defintely do not want in
>my company at any time is someone who, speaking to someone who suffers
>from clinical depression, speaks of being depressed the other night.
>That damns Bill forever for me. It is unforgiveable. Some sufferers from
>depession are apt to violence, and Bill's stupid remark could provoke a
>homocide in some cirucstances.
Hmm. Its a small sample, but methinks there appears to be a correlation between depressive personality and not being able to appreciate a joke.
Or, in the vernacular, "lighten up dude!"
Obviously serious depression is not on the same level as being a bit melancholy. But I don't get serious depression, I can't talk about that. I can't help you by trying to make out I've been there. I CAN help you by making a joke of it and myself.
But for Christ's sake, if I have to explain every joke to you, it sort of takes away from the situational humour!
Tell me you depressed freaks, what the fuck does make you laugh? Anything? If you are laughing, you can't be depressed. Surely? Just stop taking everything so seriously.
Yes Andie, I'm clueless about depression. You obviously think that's a major handicap. But for the life of me I don't see it, I'd rather be clueless about that than unable to find humour in anything.
Thanks to Shag anyhow. Keep up the good work, its interesting. Even the clueless can learn something and that's a big achievement.
Bill Bartlett Bracknell Tas