> > the people beating us . . .
> > But I guess that would take something
> > more than just saying look how dumb and hickish these people are, as
> > they do things and have power in ways that you only dream of ever
> > having.
>"They" are not beatingf "us," and "they" have no power at all except as
>they are given crumbs of it by the people who are for the time being
>(and for the last couple centuries most of the time) beating us: The
>Obamas, the Clintons, the Boards of Directors of Citibank and Ford and
>Toyota, Wall Street, the usuual suspects in fact: the capitalists and
>their willing flunkies.
I said something similar in the exact same message, that they were
beating us because they were the distraction. I only don't understand
the structure of US society in your little world where you take bits
and pieces of what I say and ascribe meaning to them that I did not
intend. My point was that when we poke fun at the TPers or Bush for
being stupid we are aiding in the reproduction of the illusion that
there are two parties representing different interests. I would just
as likely step in an make a comment if people were gushing over how
smart Obama was being. It has absolutely zero to do with how dumb
Palin is or how smart Obama is. That was my whole point: it is not
about individuals and we shouldn't confuse personalities with
political positions. To do so is to fall into the game, no matter how
much it make us feel better (which is kinda how the right uses the
lefts egos to further its own interests). I guess this is overly
manly or workerist from shag's point of view. I still have no idea