Yes, who cares if the official b/s was the casus belli for 2 wars (at least one to be considered badly lost), maybe one more incoming, and the consequent ongoing economic collapse of the USofA and the loss of his world hegemony or "soft" power? I don't, since luckily I am not an USaian, but I would if I were.
Anyway, a lot of relatively respectable, moderate and/or technically informed ppl called b/s about the official story. You can find more here:
Or, you can continue to sleep trusting in a benevolent, open and transparent Gov't. Hope you don't mind if others will not.
Doug Henwood wrote:
>> The narrative of U.S. historic involvement in the ME, the why and the
>> how, is too important to be displaced by a bull story. Understanding
>> that history, I humbly submit, is central to understanding U.S.
>> foreign policy 'in the large,' and by extension to general
>> consciousness-raising. It's prerequisite to a mass left politics.
> Aside from that, the method of argument is brain-damaging. All the
> pseudo-science about the melting point of steel and the missing hole
> in the Pentagon becomes, as my blog commenter put it, is the form
> paranoia takes, regardless of the truth content of the original
> obsession.
> ___________________________________