heh. yeah. i was gonna say that the CPusa'ers I'm hanging with now are talking about how it's really unusual to see criticism of Obama on the web site. It's just not heard of!
I also think it's backward. I can remember when liberals, democrats, etc freaked out about the antiwar movement being tied to the commies - ufpj and the other one, can't think of it now. not on this list, but just in general. people didn't want to be associated with the commie freaks.
i also don't get it because, in my experience, most commies participating in things like antiwar groups, etc. generally keep their mouths shut about their leanings. they're all about accomodation. e.g., the May Day thingaroo here is all about bringing u.s. flags ONLY and placards with "Yes we can!" all over them.
I think, SA, you're mistaking discussions here, which are spaces for voicing frustration at placards with "Yes we can!" on them and american flags only rules, with the fact that, in the end, we go to the rally, participate in the meeting, whatever.... at least that's been my experience of any pinko-red I've ever known in f2f life.
-- http://cleandraws.com Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)