[lbo-talk] demotic cuisine

Dennis Claxton ddclaxton at earthlink.net
Wed Feb 10 13:08:08 PST 2010

At 01:00 PM 2/10/2010, Dennis Perrin wrote:

>Fascination. I'm a pop cult product since youth,
>and this stuff plays right to that.

It's like a Dagwood sandwich:


>Plus, I find cooking shows soothing, albeit ones
>that promote a more sensible menu.

This is from a story printed last fall when the Meryl Streep as Julia Child movie was in theaters:



Today the average American spends a mere 27 minutes a day on food preparation (another four minutes cleaning up); that’s less than half the time that we spent cooking and cleaning up when Julia arrived on our television screens. It’s also less than half the time it takes to watch a single episode of “Top Chef” or “Chopped” or “The Next Food Network Star.” What this suggests is that a great many Americans are spending considerably more time watching images of cooking on television than they are cooking themselves ­ an increasingly archaic activity they will tell you they no longer have the time for.


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