The Mi-Go do however have wings that carry them through space by beating on the aether and have a vary advanced civlization. We know that they have immense capabilities for travel through the solar system and beyond, because they have taken human brains there that have reported back, and they also have mining colonies on Earth. So, I don't think the logistics would be a problem.
Indeed, the Deep Ones are hampered by the prophecy that the stars must be right before their master rises from his sunken non-Euclidean city. Who knows when that will happen.
So, I think that a Mi-Go takeover is in theory more likely in the near future. Fortunately the Fungi from Yuggoth seem to have only a peripheral interest in this planet and feel little need to conquer it.
----- Original Message ---- From: Matthias Wasser <matthias.wasser at>
Earth is far more likely to be taken over by Deep Ones than the Migo. After all, the latter have the logistical challenge of sending a fleet all the way from Pluto, while the Deep Ones just have to crawl out of the sea.