> Observation 1: That's true -- in fact one of the more discouraging
> phrases is "Let's do something." But that's a moment in a continuity.
> People have to _learn_ to think, and (in left/resistance politics)
> most
> will only learn the excitement of thinking as part of a process. And
> here Luxemburg is crucial: unless this activity is informed by a
> (SIMPLE) final goal, that thnking won't take place.
I wouldn't go that far - people can learn to think by reading and analyzing and conversing too - but I agree that for political thought, being part of an organization/movement/process is very fruitful.
> Observation 3: Let's consider that lawyer who objected to the
> paralysis
> of analysis. I don't know (or remember whether you described) the
> context: What brought you together in that room in the first place.
A conference on economic development in New York City. He was going on about the virtues of small business, and I filed my usual dissent.