>> There's nothing new about this.
> I didn't say it was new.
Ok, but:
> [...] I think this new version of commodity fetishism
> would be interesting for a contemporary marx to analyze.
It's not new.
> this exchange is obviously different.
Maybe it just seems new to you?
But you seem conflicted on it's new-ness:
> This is just a new variation on self serve gas stations,
> self-serve soda fountains at Wendy's ...
So it's new, but it's not new.
Nope, I'm sticking with my original: it's not new.
> i sit in meetings once a week, plotting out how to get consumers
> to do all these things for us since, to do it on our own, wouldn't
> be financially possible on the company's budget.
Ok, now I'm convinced that this is all because it's new-to-you.
# "Welcome to the working week"