[lbo-talk] today

c b cb31450 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 16 13:35:27 PDT 2010

CB: After I heard of stream of consciousness ( _Portait of the Artist as a Young Man_ , Virginia Woolf ), I used to try to "catch" every one of my thoughts. It's hard.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- od·ys·sey (d-s) n. pl. od·ys·seys 1. An extended adventurous voyage or trip. 2. An intellectual or spiritual quest: an odyssey of discovery


CB: The hippie term is "trip". Joyce be trippin' in his head.


"Ineluctable modality of the visible.....ineluctable modality of the audible"

Main Entry: in·eluc·ta·ble
: not to be avoided, changed, or resisted

( For this passage , lets pick number 6 below)

mo·dal·i·ty (m-dl-t) n. pl. mo·dal·i·ties 1. The fact, state, or quality of being modal. 2. A tendency to conform to a general pattern or belong to a particular group or category. 3. Logic The classification of propositions on the basis of whether they assert or deny the possibility, impossibility, contingency, or necessity of their content. Also called mode. 4. modalities The ceremonial forms, protocols, or conditions that surround formal agreements or negotiations: "[He] grew so enthusiastic about our prospects that he began to speculate on the modalities of signing" (Henry A. Kissinger). 5. Medicine A therapeutic method or agent, such as surgery, chemotherapy, or electrotherapy, that involves the physical treatment of a disorder. 6. Physiology Any of the various types of sensation, such as vision or hearing.


ineluctable modality is unavoidable sensation ?

"stream of consciousness, interior monologue, and references to a character's psychic reality rather than to his external surroundings "

So, maybe he wants to avoid these sensations of external surroundings and concentrate on inner psychic reality , but he can't avoid these sensations ?


diaphane (plural diaphanes)

something transparent or diaphanous a woven silk stuff with transparent and colored figures


Prose poems

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