2. some workers are the enemy. WTF you been?
3. one of 'em is my friend - a buddy. (speaking to alan's points on this: gTFO it already)
4. tee hee. guess you need to refine this (also, go to better parties): "The working class as I define it is not merely the 'working class' of popular discourse but the sum of all who don't own the means of production, or better yet, everyone who has surplus extracted from them because of specific property relationships. I am usually the guy at the party arguing that we need to figure out how to organize the investment bank traders and middle management types, not the person claiming that auto workers are the key to any prols movement. Maybe that is why I simply did not get this label of 'manly-man politics'."
At 09:15 PM 5/4/2010, brad wrote:
>shag wrote:
>i'm so glad brad wasn't around back then. marx might have stopped
>being such a big meanie to all his foes. some of his flamage is
>the think with marx is that he would have called sarah palin something
>more clever than "fucking idiot" or "ratfucker" or "hater."
>Is Sarah Palin really your foe? And you know that you didn't call
>her, or anyone else with power those things...you called workers those
-- http://cleandraws.com Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)